Monday, June 22, 2015

Thinking of Moving

If anyone read the title and thought, even for a second, Steve & I are moving you're off your rockers! Ive spent most of my morning up to my noes in boxes and trying to get most of our stuff out of boxes, put the rented kitchen stuff into boxes so it can be stored in our guest room & making room for the IKEA order that arrives tomorrow...

Yes Steve and I went back to IKEA this weekend in search of wine glasses and glass bowls and we ended up buying bookcases & a TV stand and more square bookshelves. We might almost own more furniture now then we did in the US, except for our epic couch - which I still miss!

I am considering moving my blog from blogger to wordpress. I feel like back in the day, before google bought blogger, it was great. My old blog looked pretty good with free content I got online & I had 200+ followers. Now I have a whopping 2 followers yet I hope know I have more then 2 readers. I know there are some who just read & don't comment & that's ok, but one of the goals of a blogger is to have a successful following. I would love to have some sponsored posts & a real blogger following.

Unfortunately I'm getting the feeling that this blog isn't getting the traffic it deserves because you have to be a google circle person to "follow it". I have a google account but I don't even know how to use it! I also feel like wordpress is prettier - even just the basic offerings. In time I will buy a proper layout and get someone to design my blog but until that time I want people to still see my blog & think "wow that looks really good".

What platform do you use? Which do you prefer? Any advice for transitioning?

1 comment:

  1. I still use blogger, and added you to my blog list the old school way by adding you to my reading list. I'm think I'll be adding bloglovin' to soon, as it seems an easier way to keep track of what blogs you're actively following.

    I've considered moving over to wordpress, since I use it so much at work and it is so user friendly. But...I'm scared! So if I do transition, I'll be bringing in technical support. Ha!
