Don't worry, I'm not going to try and hit anyone up for money, though I do know a few good charities if you're thinking of tossing some mullah my way. I have, however, started my very own Etsy shop. If you're not familiar with Etsy its a bit like eBay meets a local craft show. Sort of. I've bought tones of things on there, from vintage pins to shampoo & conditioner to address return labels. All Etsy sellers are small businesses, they either sell vintage items, craft supplies or something they make. As of June I opened my own shop, calling it SpilledMilkPhoto... The full name didn't fit. But I still like it. I don't have any fancy descriptions or shop policies, as of right now I only have 5 photos listed but everyone has to start somewhere. I'm only charging $5 for a pdf of my photos. I'm a tad worried that's even too much but we'll see how it goes. I am going to add some more photos soon and if I ever decide to get crafty watch out, I'll be posting those things too.
The name does seem a bit odd, but I sort of like it. I didn't think Bridget Schiller Photography was exciting enough and BSP just seems like an odd ailment you get in your mouth. I also think one day I can get a cute icon made (hello more Etsy shopping).
If you're interested in any of my photography (Mom, if you're reading this I mean people aside from you) please drop me a line. I am a true beginner but I really enjoy it & if I can't make it a career I can at least make it a good hobby.
Here's a link to my shop: Spilled Milk Photography
Cool! Great photos B!