Sunday, May 24, 2015

Bank Holiday Weekend

So Plymouth didn't happen. Steve & I woke up in terrible moods Saturday morning because we we're both dreading going to Plymouth, with bad weather and not much to do we decided not to go. We cancelled our reservation & got a refund on our train tickets. Instead we decided we would head down to South Hampton.

If you're a new reader, you might not know but we recently moved to the UK. We brought a few suitcases with us on the flight but the majority of our stuff we shipped. It takes 5-8 weeks for our pallets to arrive. Guess what is now in the same country as us? OUR STUFF! Steve got the email last Friday that our stuff has landed, in South Hampton! Unfortunately we couldn't get it or even see it as it has to go through customs etc but it was nice knowing we were in the same city even just for the day.

The biggest reason we went to SH is this:

Although we do live in a furnished apartment, making it feel like home is hard. We bought a TV and a small desk for Steve but that's about it as far as big items. With our stuff arriving soon once we unpack it we have no where to put anything. No bookshelves, no china cabinet, no banquets, no kitchen island. And that all adds up to one thing, we needed to hit up IKEA. The biggest thing we didn't want to do was buy a bunch of stuff that would only fit this apartment as we don't plan to be here too long (no parking, 1 bathroom etc). Without a car IKEA can be a bit of a daunting task so we just took a bunch of photos of tags and are going to go with the home delivery option. Although it means another day of sitting about waiting on a delivery but once it comes I'll get to build it all. 

After IKEA and breakfast (and a beer at 10am - don't judge, it was actually pretty good) we decided to walk around the city for a bit. Being so near the coast I figured it would be a bit more like Brighton, touristy, lots of historical significance, big things to see. Unfortunately it wasn't quite so grand. 


  1. IKEA is a fun trip, even if you don't actually leave with anything. :-) Do they have the yummy cinnamon buns at UK IKEA's like they do here?

    1. Yes they do! We didn't get any but they smelled super yummy!
